Feb 28, 2009

Another mod

Car refurbished again for performance reasons. Tailfins removed and several "classified" improvements done on car. Car works well so far and the only possible additions now are cosmetic (paint job, etc).

Feb 27, 2009


Does anyone know how to secure a balloon to the car?

What happens is that the balloon gets pushed up (possibly because of air resistance) and it ends up pinching at the nozzle (black rectange). What i'm trying t do is to keep in down rather than letting it go up. I've tried masking tape in a loop shape but that doesn't work.

Feb 26, 2009


Another upgrade put on car #3. Will probably end up being the final version as it works.
Partner supposed to be currently designing a long-distance car. Updates hopefully to follow on that one.

(Designated "Sturmvogel" [Stormbird})

Feb 23, 2009


Just some pictures of the distance (5m) that needs to be travelled. Still no success with that though since all of the vehicles are off by several cm at the very least. It doesn't help that there is a lack of space which has resulted in several collisions. Testing time is also limited due to things like no tests at night (people sleeping) extra-curricular activities and school.

Feb 22, 2009


Test car III upgraded with addition or rear fins and a "dish" to the fuselage. Both are meant to steady the balloon in transit as a shift can drastically alter the direction of the car and may result in it smashing into a wall. The add-ons are both made of thin cardboard and won't increase drag due to their thinness. Nosecone may be considered after further testing. Might as well name it "Nightmare Kai (kai=improved in japanese)" as it's an update on the older car in the most basic of facts.

Car #3

Third new car in production to supplement test car 2 and its problems (wheels being to close to the middle with a heavy end). Wing shape also changed. Still no reported activity from partner for project.

Feb 21, 2009


Changes made to basic frame of car. Thrust nozzle pointed at an angle and balloon supports changed in an attempt to increase distance travelled.

Feb 16, 2009

Test unit #2

New model created witha cardboard, straws and a paper towel tube. The purpose of the top set of wings to stabilize the balloon from moving to either side during travel. Can also use either a 3 or 4 tube nozzle. Testing to commence.
(Temporary name of "nightmare" due to construction problems)

New design

With aerodynamics in mind, nothing really beats a plane's design. Next vehicle will be based on these dimensions of the shown aircraft (su-9 "Fishpot"). Will probably be made out of cardboard pieces.


Problems encountered with test vehicle. Balloon getting into path of car and obstructing it. A larger car or a different design could remedy the problem.

Feb 13, 2009

test vehicle #1 complete

Meant to grasp the basic requirements of a balloon car (weight, propulsion, nozzle size, materials). Only a prototype though, meaning it isn't perfect but it works (moves). Aerodynamics and asthetics to be also considered in next produced car. One balloon chosen for this vehicle to reduce size, more than one balloon may be considered on future designs. Cardboard, straws and plastic wheels (for alignment purposes) used.
(Now nicknamed "hinder" due to a problem with the balloon's postitioning, problems.)

Feb 5, 2009

R&D split between section 1, 2. Testing to follow with prototypes.